Traditional and Toxic Masculinity and the Queer Community

Traditional and Toxic Masculinity and the Queer Community

Traditional and Toxic Masculinity and the Queer Community

You may be shocked that toxic and traditional masculinity exists within the queer community. But the truth is that we have all received similar gender and heteronormative messaging and modeling. It takes conscious, intentional work to dismantle that messaging and modeling. Few tackle that works on their own. As a pansexual transman, I have personally experienced the effects of toxic masculinity and the patriarchy from several letters within the alphabet soup of the community. At times the letters seem to compete against one another, I call it the oppression Olympics. 

In this workshop, we will examine the messaging and modeling you were exposed to and the effects it has had on you and your life. We will work on breaking it down, dismantling it, and creating new neural pathways of understanding and behavior. We are much stronger together and you will learn that we do not have to compete against one another for happiness and success in life.

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